Why Choose Us


The critical driver in cleaning is understanding the tasks, how long they take and how often to do them. Delivering the right amount of cleaning time is where most cleaning companies fail over time.

KMK Cleaning solves this problem with a unique measurable performance guarantee. We will guarantee to deliver the agreed upon cleaning time every month or you don’t pay for the undelivered time.

Delivering the right amount of cleaning time, coupled with formal training and the right equipment ends the cleaning roller coaster. Our time tracking system allows us to monitor cleaning time with each shift. Our program of frequent inspections insures we deliver on the details.

Satisfaction Guarantee
Regular, quantitative off hours inspection to insure quality
Match process and products to the facility to deliver effective, safe, green cleaning
Active ownership to minimize your management burden
Licensed, insured, bonded, trust us everywhere, all the time
Specialized health enhancement services to reduce disease spread
Evening, weekend, daytime, emergency, we work on your schedule

Measureable Performance Guarantee.